Inserting Docx Templates Within a Docx Template

This guide demonstrates how to insert a Docx template into another Docx template. You can watch the accompanying video here:

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In some instances, you may want to utilize a Docx template inside another one. For example, instead of uploading your company logo in every template, consider housing the company logo inside its own template. If your company ever updates the logo this will be very useful to not have to update it in every location—in essence, update in one location that will apply to all locations.

Below is the beginnings of a letter. The letterhead is a bit simple and could use some customization. 

Select Create a new template in the Knackly Word Designer. Name the template LetterHead. In this new template, design a letterhead you would like in all locations and select Save.

Return to the letter template. Insert LetterHead in the first line to begin the letter with the newly designed letterhead. Note that you may need to refresh the Word designer to view the new LetterHead template.

Select Save. The letterhead template is now a part of the letter template. Run the app intake to view the finished letter with the letterhead. 

There are a few rules when inserting a template into another template. For example, you cannot insert a template inside a paragraph line of text:

Additionally, you cannot insert a variable into a header or footer:

However, you can insert a template into a header if that template does not have content inside of its header.

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