Creating Multiple Documents From a List

This guide demonstrates how to create multiple documents from a list. You can watch the accompanying video here:

In some cases creating multiple documents from a list is beneficial. For example, sending a letter to all the children of a client about a will. The following instructions walk through how to do just that. 

Create a template using the Knackly Word Designer. When creating the template, in the Base model selection, select the model in which the Children variable is located. In our example, it is the party model. 

Next, select Initial content from current document

Insert any variables you need into your template. Select Save.

Open the Knackly Online Workspace. Navigate to your main model and app. Our example is EstatePlan and Estate Planning

Insert the list of children and the name of the template into the App Template section. Select Save.

Finally, to customize the name of the children's letters, navigate to the ChildLetter template. This is located inside the party model. 

Insert your naming convention inside the Assembled File Name section. Select Save.

Now navigate to the Estate Planning dashboard. Create a new record and enter all children the client has. 

After completing a document, in the Details section of the Dashboard, you will now see the letters to the children. 

Note that for existing records you will need to Review or Update the document and Complete it before seeing the new additional letters. 

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