Knackly's Date Calculation: Adding Years

In some situations, you may need to add years to a date. For example, creating a lease for a resident and inserting the beginning and ending date.

This guide demonstrates how to add years. You can watch the accompanying video here:

Navigate to the formulas tab in the online workspace. Select Add a new formula and create an AddYear formula. Verify that it is a single-date formula. 

Enter the expression for adding years: 

date.addYears(Variable1, Variable2)

Select Save. Note that Variable1 and Variable2 are placeholders. We will now add lease and year variables into the expression.

Additionally, the Variable2 placeholder can be either 1) a hard number year [1, 2, 3, etc. years] or 2) a variable that asks how many years. In our example we will show the hard number, but here is how the expression would be formatted with a second variable:

date.addYears(IntitialLeaseDate, LeaseDuration)

Open the template you are working on. Insert the formula. You can now add any formatting to the date as needed. In our example, we formatted the date to only reveal the year, not the month or day. 

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