Setting Up External Client Intakes

This guide demonstrates how to create an email to send to clients. You can watch the accompanying video here:

Knackly can be inserted directly into your website for clients to fill out forms. You can also start an app intake and send an incomplete form to your clients for them to finish. We’ll show you how to do both. 

For a Website

To get a link for your website, first navigate to the profile icon. Select Settings.

Select Allow registration for external users. Enter an External user portal name and any Additional Terms of Service for External Users. Select Save.

Navigate to the Designer and Add a new docx template. Create the template how you would any other template—you may have already done this step in the Word Designer. 

Select the Apps tab and Add a new app. For the app template, select the template you want clients to use. 

Select App is designed for access by external users. This pops up a few more options for the completion of the external client: 

  1. Automatically close external access when user completes app
  2. Produce Documents at End of Interview
  3. Show further instructions/messages
  4. Navigate to another URL. 

Selecting Show further instructions/messages will pop up the text window Instructions for external users (when app is completed). In this window, you can enter any additional information the client needs after finishing the app intake, for example, “Thank you for completing this form.” 

Selecting Navigate to another URL will pop up two fields: Completion URL and Exit URL. If you want a client to return to your webpage when they finish the app intake, you can insert your webpage link here. 

Select Save.

To get the link for your webpage, navigate to the Catalog tab. Check the External Access box. This provides the link. Then to notify users when the intake has been completed, Select a group

You can create a new group so only select users will be notified. To create a group, follow the instructions in the in this guide.

Select Save

Test the link in a different browser. This ensures you will not automatically be logged back into Knackly. 

Note that you can customize the intake by adding images, videos, help text, etc. to get a personalized user experience

You can also personalize the name of the finished document.

When you finish the app intake, you can download the finished document as the test client or return to Knackly and download it as a user. 

As a Direct Link

As an example, if you were on the phone with a client and started their intake from partial information you received over the phone, you can send it directly to that client to finish. 

First, create a new text template in the Designer. Then string together the app link, the name of the app, the client’s email, and the client’s identifier—in our example, it is their full name. Select Save.

{[appLink(“Name of the app”, Client.Email, Client.Identifier)]}

You can follow these instructions to create an automated email in which you can directly insert the text template—which inserts the link. 

Or you can add the link into Layouts.

Drag an information cell to the location in the app intake you would like. Then select the link text template you created and insert it into the information cell. Select Save

You can also surround the template name with an if statement. 

Run the app intake, fill out what information you have, like their name and email, and then send that link to the client. It will appear in the app intake.

Note that the link will not appear until the email is filled out:

From here, the client can fill out the rest of the app intake. Test the link in a different browser. This ensures you will not automatically be logged back into Knackly. 

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