Order of Operations

Order of Operations: 

Precedence Operators Examples
1 Parentheses: "( )"

(Var1 + Var2)

If (NumVar1 + NumVar2) * NumVar3, NumVar1 and NumVar2 will be added together before their result is multiplied by NumVar3

2 Member: ".", "[ ]"




If ListVar[1].NumVar1 + NumVar2, the NumVar1 from the second item of the list will be evaluated before it is added to NumVar2.

3 Not: "!"


If !TFVar && NumVar1 * NumVar2, !TFVar will be evaluated before NumVar1 and NumVar2 are multiplied.

4 Math tier one: "*", "/", "%"

NumVar1 * NumVar2

NumVar1 / NumVar2

NumVar1 % NumVar2

If NumVar1 + NumVar2 * NumVar3, NumVar2 and NumVar3 will be multiplied before NumVar1 is added to the result.

If NumVar1 + NumVar2 % NumVar3, the remainder of NumVar2 and NumVar3 will be evaluated before NumVar1 is added to the result.

5 Math tier two: "+", "-"

NumVar1 + NumVar2

NumVar1 - NumVar2

If NumVar1 + NumVar2 > NumVar3, NumVar1 and NumVar2 will be added together before the result is compared to NumVar3.

6 Equivalents: "<", "<=", ">", ">="

NumVar1 < NumVar2

NumVar1 <= NumVar2

NumVar1 > NumVar2

NumVar1 >= NumVar2

If NumVar1 < NumVar2 == NumVar3, NumVar1 and NumVar2 will be compared before determining whether the result is equal to NumVar3.

7 Equalities: "==", "!="

NumVar1 == NumVar2

SelectionVar == "Option1"

NumVar1 != NumVar2

SelectionVar != "Option1"

If NumVar1 == NumVar2 || TFVar, whether NumVar1 is equal to NumVar2 will be evaluated before TFVar.

If SelectionVar != "Option1" || TFVar, whether SelectionVar's answer is not Option1 will be evaluated before TFVar.

8 And: "&&"

TFVar1 && TFVar2

TFVar1 && SelectionVar == "Option1"

If TFVar1 && TFVar1 || TFVar3, whether TFVar1 and TFVar2 are true will be evaluated before TFVar3.

If TFVar1 && SelectionVar == "Option1" || TFVar3, whether both TFVar1 is true and SelectionVar is answered with Option1 is true will be evaluated before TFVar3.

9 Or: "||"

TFVar1 || TFVar2

TFVar1 || SelectionVar == "Option1"

If TFVar1 || TFVar2, TFVar1 will be evaluated before TFVar2.

If TFVar1 || SelectionVar == "Option1", TFVar1 will be evaluated before determining whether SelectionVar has Option1 as its answer.

10 Ternary: "? :"

TFVar1 ? TextVar1 : TextVar2

If TFVar1 ? NumVar1 + NumVar2 : NumVar3, then NumVar1 and NumVar2 will be added together before TFVar1 is evaluated.

11 Pipe: "|"

ListVar|filter: TFListVar1

If TFVar1 ? ListVar|filter: TFListVar1 : TextVar2, TFVar1 will be evaluated before ListVar will be filtered for TFListVar1.

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